Save the date for April 11-12! We invite you to join us for the workshop: System dynamics in education, facilitated for the second time in Romania, first time in Bucharest, by Bibi Schreuder, co-founder and owner of the Bert Hellinger Instituut from Holland, trainer and facilitator of organisational and family constellations, specialist in systemic education.

The whole workshop will be an experience of connection to your own educational or professional context, in order to bring clarification and integration of punctual situations, such as: the trainer’s difficulty to transfer the information, tensions and communication problems among departments, bullying that happens frequently, obstacles and patterns constantly repeating, learning difficulties, lack of resources of any kind, burnout situations.
Whether you are a teacher, a trainer, a counselor, leader of an educational institution, or a highly concerned parent about the educational process, you may be experiencing one of the situations described above. Education is a dynamic process that involves, in addition to the educational act itself that we all know of, a series of subtle levels of exchanges that take place in relation to its institution and history, as well as the personal and educational evolution of people involved, which ultimately is intended to the child.
The phenomenological systemic view is developed by Bert Hellinger, the one at the source of family constellations. By looking phenomenological he found three principles working in every social system:
Belonging, Order and Exchange.
By doing thousands of constellations he and other colleagues found out that systems do benefit when every member has the right to belong, when there is clarity about order and everyone is on his or her own place, and when there is a continuous moving unbalance in take and give.
For individual survival we exclude what was too painful or shameful. But systems want to be complete. What was excluded wants to be included again. Often behavior of someone from the next generations, or in another level in the organization, tries to bring in the excluded history again.
It often happens that one or more of these three principles are not being honored in the system, generating patterns, which manifest themselves in the form of “problems” or unwanted behavior. When we look at this behavior, actually with the systemic view we see them as symptoms. As soon you are confronted with unwanted behavior, you can ask yourself: For what is this problem a solution? What is this behavior trying to bring into light again?
The method of constellations give the possibility to make visible the unconscious connections between situations where something or someone was excluded (because too difficult to live with) and actual behavior we don’t like.
During the two days of workshop on April 11 and 12, after a short introduction and presentation of main concepts, participants will have the opportunity to explore their own themes and apply systemic principles to enhance their (professional) view.
Both exercises and constellations will bring the participants a wider perspective towards educational issues, (child)behavior and school organizations.
Facilitator: Bibi Schreuder, co-founder of the Bert Hellinger Instituut from Holland, trainer and facilitator of family and organisational constellations, specialist in systemic education. Read more about Bibi here.

Here are some of the benefits of the systemic approach in education:
- Greater sense of belonging in the group and organization
- More work satisfaction of the teachers
- A greater level of integration between family, school and professional life
- Reduction in incidents of anger and conflict
- Increase in positive attitudes towards learning
- Development of a wider view of the phenomenological systemic approach to classroom behaviors and learning
- Development of a greater awareness of, and sensitivity to, systemic issues manifesting in classrooms/educational groups
- Improved identification and assessment of someone’s obstacles in learning
- Application of knowledge in the systemic approach to the development of learning strategies
Bibi Schreuder, specialist in Systemic Pedagogy and co-founder (along with husband Jan Jacob Stam) of the Bert Hellinger Institute in the Netherlands will facilitate this first workshop in Romania about System dynamics in education. With more than 25 years in the field of pedagogy and education, she teaches professionals how to adopt a systemic approach and apply it to everyday educational situations. This 2 days workshop will be of particular interest to trainers, teachers and parents as it contextualizes all of the elements playing a role in education. It focuses on the bonds and the interactions already existing in the school/institution environment, helping to find the right place and function for principals, teachers, support staff and students and their families. When everyone is taken into consideration and given its rightful place they can better fulfill their function: the education of new generations.
Bibi will also focus on the systemic attitude when teaching and working both with children and adults. Participants will be able to work on real cases about behavior and learning difficulties at school or in other groups. They will learn how to look at the symptom (disruptive behavior, disengagement, bullying, conflict in the group) in a broader context (family, trauma, school/organization environment). In doing so, the purpose/function of the symptom can come to light and will be able to be addressed.
This profound work has changed the awareness of teachers, trainers and parents in schools in other countries such as Finland, Latvia, Denmark, Holland, Spain (especially in Catalonia), Germany, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico. We now have the amazing opportunity to learn from one of the leaders in the field, and we would be delighted to share this experience with you!
This event is for those passionate about education and human potential development, open to discover new personal and professional growth resources.
Program: Saturday and Sunday, 9:30 to 18:00, with a lunch break (13:00-14:30)
Place: Bucharest, România
Cost: 180 euro/person. Groups of 4 have a discount: 160 euro/person.
Sign up:, 0752110302 (Adina), 0722376207 (Dragoș) or by completing this form:
In order to confirm your participation, you need to make the payment until 06 April.
Organizers: STURZ- Research and Development Center of Family Education (Adina Benghea) și Quantum Connection (Dragoș Riti)

Adina Benghea
Co-founder of STURZ- Research and Development Center of Family Education
Facilitator of enrichment educational programs for kids and youth.
Facilitator under supervision of family and organisational constellations.

Dragoș Riti
Trainer and facilitator of family and organisational constellations.
Read more about Dragoș here.

Working in the education system
“Working in education asks for discipline to refrain from things. Refrain from feeling better than the parents of your pupils. Refrain from feeling better than other forms of education. Refrain from feeling better than society. Working in education asks to refrain from the wish to know what happens to your pupils after they leave school or educational institution.”